When you leave2017-08-07T03:45:07+00:00

When you leave

Leaving hospital (discharge)

Before you leave hospital, we will work with you to identify services that will assist in your recovery and plan your discharge. Your discharge plan may include extra support services at a different facility, home or follow-up appointments.

Before leaving, please make sure you understand:

  • why you were in hospital
  • what you need to do next
  • any extra support or care you need to help you recover
  • what you need to do if you feel unwell, or if you’re not recovering.

If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your care team.

Before you leave the hospital, please check that you have:

  • arranged transport home
  • collected all your personal belongings, x-rays and medications
  • your discharge medications and any scripts required
  • details for your follow-up appointments (if necessary)
  • your travel forms signed (if necessary)
  • a medical certificate for your employer or sickness benefits if required
  • a medical discharge summary for your GP
  • any referral forms you need (if services have been arranged for you).

Transport and transfers home

You will need to arrange private transport home. Ambulance transport will be organised if your care team determines it is necessary. There are free car parks on the hospital grounds and a 2-minute pick-up bay at the front of the hospital.

Hospital walking aids and other equipment are not allowed outside the hospital grounds. Your care team or your family will need to make arrangements to hire appliances or aids from a private supplier if you need them at home.


If you want to leave the hospital against medical advice, you should talk about this with your doctor as they will want to understand and work through your concerns. If you still decide to leave, you will be asked to sign a Discharge Against Medical Advice form. If you do leave against medical advice, we encourage you to see your GP as soon as possible, or go to an Emergency Department if you are unwell or need further treatment.

Medication when you leave

Make sure you know which medications to take once you are discharged. The medications you bring to the hospital with you may not be suitable to take after your hospital stay. Your nurse can contact the ward pharmacist if you have any questions.  During your stay in hospital you will receive an invoice for medications that may be ordered for you, for when you leave hospital. You will need to pay for these medications upon discharge.

Concerns after you leave hospital

Contact your GP or 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) if you have any problems after you leave the hospital. If you need urgent care call Triple Zero (000) or visit your local Emergency Department.

Medical records

Your medical record is confidential and is accessed only by healthcare professionals directly involved with your treatment. The medical record is the property of the hospital, and the information contained in the record will normally only be provided with your consent or where required by law.

Hospital in the Home

Hospital in the home is arranged on the ward before you leave hospital for ongoing medical care that can be managed in the community. The discharge coordinator and treating medical team will arrange this referral for you.

Modifying your home

After your hospital visit, you may need to make some changes in your home so you can carry out daily activities safely. Your occupational therapist may talk with you and suggest changes, equipment or additional support.

Ongoing care

Before you leave hospital, we will create a discharge care plan with you. This plan will make sure ongoing care is arranged for you if it is needed during your recovery.

Outpatient clinics

Your doctor may want to have follow-up outpatient appointments after you leave.

Caboolture Hospital


Contact us

Caboolture Hospital
Located: McKean Street
Phone: (07) 5433 8888