Advanced Life Support
Our courses will provide you with the skills for managing the deteriorating patient and cardiac arrest including airway management, basic life support, safe defibrillation and life threatening arrhythmias.
All courses are held at The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane
Who is eligible for training?
Medical Officers, Nurses and Paramedics
Which course should I choose?
Level 1 courses are for those clinicians who want general competence in airway management and basic life support for a deteriorating patient and cardiac arrest. Suitable if you normally are part of team rather than the lead.
Level 2 courses are for those clinicians who are likely to lead the team in an arrest and be responsible for decisions regarding life threatening arrhythmias. Particularly suitable for doctors and nurses working in critical care areas or in resuscitation/medical emergency teams and paramedics.
ALS Level 1
ALS Level 2
All fees are non-refundable
ALS Level 1
- 16 August 2019
- 12 September 2019
- 25 October 2019
ALS Level 2
- 16-17 September 2019
- 28-29 November 2019