Expo shines spotlight on mental health

Mental Health ambassador Osher Günsberg
TV and radio personality, Osher Günsberg will be special guest at this year’s North Brisbane Mental Health Expo at Bowen Hills on 27 September.
He will join mental health ambassadors Jason Fiddes, Caleb Brown and Nicole Gibson at the Expo and share his personal experiences with mental illness.
“My life got better the moment that I came to the acceptance that I would need ongoing treatment for my mental illness,” Osher said.
“I didn’t want to accept that this was bigger than me and that I couldn’t handle it by myself. Once I surrendered to the fact that I needed daily medication and ongoing treatment, everything started to get easier and life became more liveable.”
The Expo brings together government and not-for-profit services in the one place to share mental health-related information and resources with the community.
With the theme Choose your own adventure, the expo will showcase wellbeing, resilience and the importance of preventing the onset of mental health problems, as well as potentially lessening their severity.
Executive Director of Metro North Mental Health, Associate Professor Brett Emmerson, said mental health continues to resonate strongly with our community.
“One in five Australians is likely to experience some form of mental illness each year,” A/Prof. Emmerson said. “Around 14 per cent are affected by anxiety disorders and 6 per cent of adults are affected by depression.
“Anyone can develop a mental illness and no one is immune to mental health problems. We need to address the stigmas often associated with mental illness and talk about it – whether it’s schizophrenia, depression or other illnesses – the same way we talk about heart disease or cancer.”
“The Expo also highlights the great work Metro North Mental Health does in partnership with agencies across the sector that work with clients who have a mental illness to ensure that people are aware of the options available to support them in the community.”
The event will also promote the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the increased choice and control that people will have under the Scheme.
Stalls will provide information on lifestyle support and advocacy, housing, employment, education, recreation and social support services available in our local community.
The Expo is a lead-in to Mental Health Week from 9-15 October. It will be held at the Brisbane Showgrounds.
For enquiries about the North Brisbane Mental Health Expo, visit www.facebook.com/mentalhealthexpo or email mentalhealthexpo@health.qld.gov.au.
Details: 2016 North Brisbane Mental Health Expo
Date: Tuesday, 27 September 2016 Time: 10am – 2pm
Where: Brisbane Showgrounds (Bowen Hills) – The Marquee
Entry: Free