NAIDOC Week 2015

L-R; Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Unit Director Angela Scotney and Dr Clifford Pollard Board Member, Metro North Hospital and Health Board at the 2014 MNHHS NAIDOC Week Celebrations.
Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) will celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection to the land and sea during national NAIDOC Week next month.
The theme, We all Stand on Scared Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate, will be celebrated at special events at The Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital, Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospitals during 6 –13 July.
MNHHS Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Unit Director Angela Scotney said staff, community members, local elders, patients, and visitors are all welcome to join in the festivities.
“We will be celebrating 60,000 years of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture in Queensland,” Ms Scotney said.
“Guests will have the opportunity to learn about traditional names and stories for their region, discover the different language groups and learn about local sacred sites.”
Plenty of entertainment will also be on hand, with traditional dancers and artists performing, a display of artefacts and a selection of different bush tucker dishes available.
Ms Scotney said MNHHS has been working hard to create a culturally appropriate environment for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, including the introduction of healing gardens at Caboolture, Redcliffe and Kilcoy Hospitals. More than 70 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander staff now work throughout the hospitals and facilities.
“These celebrations are an opportunity to come together as one community, to pay our respects to the traditional owners and to learn about our diverse culture,” she said.
- The Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital: Monday 6 July, Education Centre
- The Prince Charles Hospital: Wednesday 8 July, Education Centre car park
- Redcliffe Hospital: Thursday 9 July, Front entrance to hospital
- Caboolture Hospital: Monday 13 July, Healing Garden
For further information, contact MNHHS Cultural Capability Officers Elwyn Henaway (RBWH/TPCH) on 0447 112 038 or Gene Blow (Caboolture/Redcliffe) on 0438367583.
Media Contact: Renee Simon 0439719665