Multicultural health and translated resources2022-11-28T06:06:43+00:00

Multicultural health and translated resources

On this page

    Calling an Ambulance

    Access to Health Care in Australia

    Access to Health Care in Australia provides information on the Australian health care system for newly arrived community members. Information is provided on how to access routine and emergency care, the role of health care interpreters and services for children and family.

    The 19 videos are in the following languages:

    Translated information for health and wellbeing

    The Victorian Government has developed a range of translated information resources for health and wellbeing. You can search by keyword and language.

    Breast health

    A guide to breast health for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women.

    Healthcare resources

    Refugee and asylum seeker support

    We engage with external organisations who provide support and information for refugees and asylum seekers in our region. Some of these organisations are:

    • Refugee Health Network QLD – is a mechanism to build capacity, partnerships, and facilitate coordination of care across health, settlement agencies, communities, government and non-government sectors. The long-term aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of people of refugee backgrounds throughout Queensland.
    • Multicultural Australia – provide settlement and support services for refugees, and newly arrived migrants.
    • The Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) – provides flexible and culturally sensitive services to promote the health and wellbeing of people who have been tortured or who have suffered refugee related trauma prior to migrating to Australia. QPASTT aims to provide services which address the range of physical, psychological and social needs that survivors of torture and trauma have. All services are free and confidential.
    • AMPARO – provides independent individual and systemic advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds with disability.
    • ECCQ – supports social and economic participation for all Queenslanders through strengthening community associations, delivering leadership training, creating employment pathways and raising awareness of the benefits of cultural diversity.
    • World Wellness Group (WWG) provide prevention and treatment programs that promote health and wellbeing.
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