Health Service Strategy 2015-2020 (2017 refresh)2017-12-11T21:51:02+00:00

Health Service Strategy 2015-2020 (2017 refresh)

In 2014 Metro North developed the Health Service Strategy 2015–20 to address a range of challenges, including increasing demand for services, changing care needs, pressure on existing infrastructure, and the need to maintain a skilled and committed workforce. The Strategy outlined priority actions to be delivered over a five year period.

Over the past two years, thanks to the dedication and commitment of Metro North staff, most actions outlined in the Health Service Strategy 2015–20 have been progressed.

Metro North Health Service Strategy 2015-2020

To ensure that the Health Service Strategy 2015–20 continues to align with the changing needs of our population to 2020 and supports the delivery of Metro North’s Strategic Plan 2017-2021, the Strategy has been refreshed. Informed by broad consultation with staff, consumers, community and healthcare partners the Strategy refocuses our efforts to provide connected, accessible, high quality services that help improve the health of the communities we serve, while using our resources efficiently and effectively.

Our focus areas

Metro North is committed to continuing to be a world leader in innovative clinical care, research and education. Through the refreshed Strategy, we have developed four new focus areas including:

  • Living healthy and well in our local communities
  • Delivering person-centred, connected and integrated care
  • Effective delivery of healthcare to address growing population health needs
  • Responsive holistic healthcare that meets the specific needs of vulnerable groups including but not limited to:
    • older people including frail older people
    • children
    • young people
    • people with mental illness
    • people with alcohol and other drug dependence
    • people with disabilities
    • culturally diverse communities

We are committed to implementing the refreshed Strategy over the next three years to 2020. It will continue to guide the health service priorities of our Clinical Directorates and Clinical Streams, underpinned by the supporting elements of our workforce, infrastructure, funding arrangements, and our information and communication technology.

We look forward to working with our staff, partners and patients to achieve the goals of this refreshed Health Service Strategy and improve health outcomes for our communities.

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