Statewide Bariatrics – Post Bariatric Surgery2020-10-12T01:39:50+00:00

After bariatric surgery

Diet upgrades

After surgery, your stomach is much smaller than it used to be. The food and fluid that you consume after surgery will change, especially in the initial recovery stage. Your bariatric surgery dietitian will guide you through the different stages of upgrading your diet ‘texture’ after surgery.

In addition, the videos and diet upgrade sheets below will also be helpful to guide you through these changes

Post-surgery diet overview and stage 1 – fluids

This video provides diet upgrade information for the first two weeks after surgery when you are following a fluid only diet. This handout may also be useful during this time.

Stage 2 – Puree

This video provides diet upgrade information for when you are following a puree diet which is usually week 3 and 4 post- surgery. This handout may also be useful during this time.

Stage 3 – Soft

This video provides diet upgrade information for when you are following a soft diet which is usually week 5 and 6 post- surgery. This handout may also be useful during this time.

Stage 4- Healthy eating after surgery

This video provides diet upgrade information for when you are ready to start incorporating all textures back into your diet. This handout may also be useful during this time.

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