News archive2017-10-06T03:49:32+00:00

News archive

New Hospital service helps Caboolture kids grow

A new inpatient children’s clinic at Caboolture Hospital is proving to be a godsend for new mums like Glasshouse Mountain’s Sarah Moffat whose baby experienced feeding difficulties.

15 February 2017|

Welcome to our new junior doctors

The welcome mat has been rolled for 162 medical interns who commenced their careers as doctors with Metro North Hospital and Health Service this week.

20 January 2017|

Medical glue is the clue to Australian breakthrough

Caboolture Hospital Emergency physician Dr Simon Bugden and his research team have found a new way to make one of the most common medical procedures in the world – placing drips or IV lines – safer, less painful and potentially more cost effective.

7 December 2016|

Tackling occupational violence in our hospitals

Every year, more than 3000 healthcare workers are assaulted on the job in Queensland. Across our health service and hospitals right around the state, a range of measures are being rolled out to tackle occupational violence including body worn cameras.

20 October 2016|

Annual Report

The Metro North Hospital and Health Service Annual Report 2015-2016 provides an overview of the health service's financial and non-financial performance and key achievements.

4 October 2016|

Expo shines spotlight on mental health

TV and radio personality, Osher Günsberg will be special guest at this year’s North Brisbane Mental Health Expo at Bowen Hills on 27 September.

23 September 2016|

No excuse for abuse

We have zero tolerance when it comes to violence in our hospitals and community services. Our staff come to work each day to look after sick patients, not to become patients themselves.

20 September 2016|

RBWH doctors recognised at Asia Pacific’s premier healthcare event

Two doctors from the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital have won an international award for translating their research into clinical practice, enabling diagnosis of heart attacks faster and providing quicker treatment to patients presenting with chest pain in Queensland Emergency Departments (EDs).

15 September 2016|

Identification: It’s your right to a healthier life

Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) has launched a campaign during NAIDOC Week (3 – 10 July 2016) to highlight the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients identifying when accessing their facilities.

4 July 2016|

Caboolture Health Care Alliance

Local kids with learning disabilities are being given an extra helping hand thanks to the launch of a new Caboolture Health Care Alliance which will see the hospital, GP Super Clinic and local organisations working together.

3 May 2016|

CaPS off to Caboolture

CaPS’ off to the 1000th staff member to complete the very popular Communications and Patient Safety (CaPS) training program at Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals, and Woodford Correctional Centre

15 April 2016|

Media enquiries

Office hours: 8.00am-5.00pm
Phone: (07) 3647 9522

/ MetroNorthHHS