Health Literacy
Health literacy is about patients and families being able to access, understand and act on health information and services.
Metro North have developed a Health Literacy Approach aiming to improve health literacy experiences of patients.
Our approach recognises that each person’s needs are different and that an individual’s health literacy can vary over time as people are exposed to new information, skill sand experiences.
We asked patients, “How could we make it easier?” Their responses were fairly consistent.
Through personalised communication. If I feel supported and understand the options, I can make informed choices and have confidence taking action to maintain or improve my health and wellbeing
The following video explains health literacy and shared decision making and the importance of patient involvement in their care.
Support tools
Prepare for your appointment by creating a list of questions to ask your doctor. Print or email the list and take to your appointment along with a pen and paper so you can record the responses. This preparation will help you get more out of the time with your doctor and help you to remember everything you want to ask.
- Choosing Wisely Australia – 5 questions to ask your doctor or other healthcare provider
- Health direct – question builder