Advance Care Planning2017-12-11T22:20:01+00:00

Advance Care Planning

Caring for people at the end of life is about ensuring the best possible quality of life, with a focus on symptom control, independence, emotional wellbeing and planning for the future.

Advance Care Planning
My care, My choices.
Cancer support for families

Contact us

For more information, please contact the hospital closest to you:

Redcliffe Hospital
Phone: (07) 3883 7858

Caboolture Hospital
Phone: (07) 5316 5946

The Prince Charles Hospital
Phone: (07) 3139 4081

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Phone: (07) 3647 4186

Community, Indigenous and Subacute Services (Brighton Campus)
Phone: 0427 075 731

For assistance outside the above locations contact:
Office of Advance Care Planning
Phone: 1300 007 227
Post: PO Box 72
Corinda QLD 4075

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