Information for consumers, families and carers2017-11-27T23:30:42+00:00

Information for consumers, families and carers

We recognise that people on a recovery journey need to work in equal partnership with their treating team, family and carers. The recovery journey is about a positive mindset and a belief that people can live happy and meaningful lives despite mental illness. We strive to develop a culture where recovery is encouraged, promoted and nurtured.

Who is a consumer?

Consumers are people who use, or are potential users, of mental health services. We may also use terms like patient, client or resident.

Who is a carer?

Carers are people who support and nurture consumers. Carers may be relatives, friends or anyone else who provides support in an unpaid capacity.

What is recovery?

“Recovery is not the same thing as being cured. Recovery is a process not an end point or a destination. Recovery is an attitude, a way of approaching the day and facing the challenges.”

Dr Patricia E. Deegan

A recovery approach is holistic, person centred, solution focused, strengths based and an ongoing journey rather than a fixed goal or endpoint. This is broader than clinical recovery. It incorporates the concept of personal recovery, which includes factors like hope, identity, empowerment, self-determination and living a meaningful life according to your goals.

Consumer and Carer Services

Consumer and Carer Services support patients to actively participate in their recovery journey. All Consumer and Carer Services employees have experienced mental illness, or caring for someone with a mental illness.

  • Consumer Companions – use their experience of living with mental illness and recovery to provide a positive interaction with consumers on the inpatient wards.
  • Recovery Support Workers – use their experience of living with mental illness and recovery to provide peer support across various settings including; inpatient, community and extended treatment.
  • Consumer and Carer Consultants – promote consumer and carer participation and provide expert advice to Metro North HHS Mental Health in planning, delivery and evaluating consumer focused services.

Need help?

1300 MHCALL (1300 64 2255)

Your first point of contact for Metro North Mental Health, providing support, information and referral.

About 1300 MHCALL

Contact us

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Phone: (07) 3114 0803

The Prince Charles Hospital
Phone: (07) 3139 4561

Redcliffe and Caboolture Hospitals
Phone: (07) 5433 8775

Email (all services):

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