SNAP your patient’s care2019-06-19T00:22:10+00:00

SNAP your patient’s care

When and how to SNAP your patient’s care type from acute to palliative

The key elements to palliative care snapping care include:

  • A clinical determination that the primary goals of care are comfort and quality of life. This does not preclude palliative or therapeutic interventions
  • Care delivered by or directed by a specialist palliative team
  • A multidisciplinary management plan that includes a functional ability ADL assessment (RUG) and agreed Goals of Care
  • Care type not defined by physical location but assigned according to care type / need and goals of care, as discussed with the patient
  • A palliative care Phase and RUG score documented in the clinical record for each review
  • SNAPPING to palliative is applicable BEFORE terminal phase or use of the Care Plan for the Dying Person

Patients can be admitted directly under the palliative care code, including when admitted via Emergency into an acute bed – there is no need for the SNAP episode to be preceded by an acute episode.

Equally, a patient can be snapped back to acute from a palliative code if a reversible intervention is indicated. Your local hospital palliative care service can provide advice.

Referral criteria

Any doctor can refer a patient to our service. it is ideal if patients have commenced advance care planning and if in hospital, that they have a current and appropriate Acute Resuscitation Plan (ARP).

Our Services

Community Palliative Care

Phone: (07) 3049 5755

TPCH Palliative Care

Inpatient unit and ward-based consult liaison service.

Phone: (07) 3139 4482

Redcliffe Palliative Care

Inpatient unit and ward-based consult liaison service.

Phone: (07) 3883 7050

RBWH Palliative Care

Consult liaison service.

Phone: (07) 3646 3618

Caboolture Palliative Care

Phone: (07) 5316 2412

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