About us2018-11-27T04:41:21+00:00

About us

Jamieson Trauma Institute is re-conceptualising how trauma services are delivered.

The establishment of JTI was announced in November 2017.  Designed to be a state-wide research facility based heavily on collaboration and partnerships, JTI is striving to advance trauma prevention, research, systems, and clinical management to deliver the best possible care.

A strong partnership has already been established with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and Queensland University of Technology. JTI also enjoys relationships with various health and university partners including Queensland Health Clinical Skills Development Centre, QIMR Berghofer, Brisbane Diamantina Health, Herston Biofabrication Institute, Specialist Rehabilitation and Ambulatory Care Centre, Statewide Trauma Clinical Network and Queensland Ambulance Service and Retrieval Services Queensland.

While contributing to national and international evidence, the institute will play a key role in determining unique solutions to the unique trauma issues facing Queensland.

With Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) internationally recognised as a leading trauma and burns hospital, strongly tied to the Australian Defence Force and boasting extensive research and education capacity; RBWH is a perfect fit for a institute dedicated to furthering trauma research and outcomes.

Jamieson Trauma Institute

Contact us

Jamieson Trauma Institute
Located: Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Email: Jamieson_Trauma_Institute@health.qld.gov.au

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