Grants Awarded2018-12-03T02:10:22+00:00

Grants Awarded


Cameron CM, Loveday B, Vallmuur K, Graves N, Proper M, Warren J, Bradford, Carter H, Pollard C. Opioid use in Queensland trauma patients: population-based data linkage study. RBWH Foundation 2019 Project Grant.

Patel B, Rudd M, Pollard C. Management of Splenic Injuries in Queensland: Retrospective trend analysis over five years and one-year prospective evaluation of clinical practice guideline implementation. 2019 MAIC-RACS Trauma Scholarship.

Mitchell R, Cameron CM, Lystad R, Nielssen O, McMaugh A, Herkes G, Schniering C, Hng T. Impact of chronic health conditions and injury on school performance and health outcomes of children: pilot study. Philanthropic Funding.

Vallmuur K, Eley R, Roudenko A. Understanding the patterns, circumstances and outcomes of power tool injuries presenting to the emergency department to inform a national safety campaign. IHBI Injury Prevention Program Seeding Grant.

Watson A, Vallmuur K, Siskind V, Sheehan M, Senserrick T. Analysis of Queensland fatalities and serious injury crash characteristics and management by region. Motor Accident Insurance Commission.

Lystad R, Dear B, Johnstone M, Mitchell R, Braithwaite J, Wuthrich V, Amin J, Cameron CM. Macquarie MINDS: Monitoring of Injury and psychosocial health outcomes, career trajectories and continuing educatioN, LiveD experiences and Social connectedness, Macquarie University Seeding Grant.


Wynn M, Vallmuur K, ter Hofstede A, Rashford S, Bosley E, Elcock M. Identifying prehospital retrieval pathways and processes for road trauma patients in Queensland. Motor Accident Insurance Commission.

Jamieson Trauma Institute

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Jamieson Trauma Institute
Located: Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital


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