Injury Dashboard2018-11-22T05:35:37+00:00

Injury Dashboard

The Queensland Health Statistical Services Branch has developed an Injury Hospitalisation Data Dashboard to provide Queensland Health employees with Statewide injury statistics.

The Injury Hospitalisation Data Dashboard compiles data from all Queensland public acute hospitals using the Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC).

Data from 1 July 2010 is included on the dashboard and can be grouped using age, gender or activity. Further information about the Dashboard is available at:

From the Injury Hospitalisation Data Dashboard, Jamieson Trauma Institute in consultation with the Statistical Services Branch, is developing a series of brief reports on a broad range of injury topics for interested stakeholders and the wider community.

Jamieson Trauma Institute

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Jamieson Trauma Institute
Located: Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital


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