Queensland Trauma and Burns Quality Assurance Committee2018-12-03T02:46:13+00:00

Queensland Trauma and Burns Quality Assurance Committee

The Queensland Trauma and Burns Quality Assurance Committee (QTBQAC) is a privileged committee meaning: the Committee activities are strictly confidential. The purpose of the legislation is to create a protected and confidential forum to promote open and frank discussion in order to improve quality of healthcare and patient safety.

The role of the statewide QTBQAC, is for members to identify through case review opportunities for improvements in the management of patients with traumatic and burn injury in Queensland. Such review should recognise best practice and make recommendations based upon available evidence aimed at improving health outcomes for trauma and burnt patients.

The Committee’s objects are:

  • Make recommendations to the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services on standards and quality indicators.
  • Promote the adoption of such standards in both the private and public health sectors.
  • Ensure a focus on the management of trauma and burn injury in remote, rural and regional Queensland, as well as the major urban health service districts.
  • Focus particular attention on maximising the use of Telehealth and other technological advances in communication.
  • Examine the response to mass casualty events and other disaster situations.
  • Identify areas where prevention programs are lacking or inadequate.
  • Examine the use of available resources to gauge their efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Trauma and burn care provided in the pre-hospital, retrieval, emergency, in-hospital and rehabilitation settings will be reviewed by the Committee.

The Committee functions under the authority of the quality assurance committee (QAC) provisions in Part 6, Division 1 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (HHB Act).

Jamieson Trauma Institute

Contact us

Jamieson Trauma Institute
Located: Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Email: Jamieson_Trauma_Institute@health.qld.gov.au

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