
Collaboration puts patients and the community front and centre of healthcare delivery

MNHHS and BNPHN commit to working together

Pictured (L-R) are: Ms Shelley Kleinhans (Chief Operations Officer, Brisbane North PHN), Jeff Cheverton (Deputy CEO, Brisbane North PHN), Dr Elizabeth Whiting (Executive Director, Clinical Services, MNHHS), Chris Seiboth (Executive Director, Community, Indigenous & Subacute Services), Terry Mehan (Executive Consultant, MNHHS), Pauline Coffey (Executive Manager, Commissioned Services, Brisbane North PHN), Luke Worth (Executive Director, MNHHS), Ms Abbe Anderson (CEO, Brisbane North PHN), Ken Whelan (Chief Executive, MNHHS).

Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) and Brisbane North PHN have reaffirmed their commitment to work together to improve continuity of quality patient centred care.

The recently signed protocol between the two organisations recognises that better health outcomes are achievable when there is effective collaboration between primary healthcare and hospital services.

Chief Executive of MNHHS Ken Whelan said the agreement further strengthens the long history of collaboration between the largest hospital service in the nation and one of Queensland’s key health agencies.

“We know how vital our relationship is with Brisbane North PHN to enable better patient outcomes,” Mr Whelan said.

“With patient demand growing and care needs changing, we face the challenge of providing sustainable, quality public healthcare solutions both now and into the future.”

“This partnership focuses on the patient journey from the hospital to the home through a model of integrated care, which positions us to provide seamless quality care across the northern Brisbane community.”

Brisbane North PHN CEO Abbe Anderson said the protocol was a great outcome for the community and demonstrated a dedication to better manage health resources across the health system in Metro North.

“Both organisations share a vision to have a community where good health is available to everyone,” Ms Anderson said. “We are working together to make this happen through identifying and prioritising local health needs to ensure patients can access the care they need in the right place and at the right time.”

“Cross-sector collaboration is essential to maximise patient outcomes and is a big win for everyone. Our well established programs have helped reduce demand on local hospitals and emergency departments while connecting patients with the appropriate health service.”

“We look forward to delivering more initiatives through this agreement and continuing our strong commitment to improving the patient journey.”

2015-10-23T04:06:49+00:0023 October 2015|
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