
Community Engagement Forum at Caboolture

Local reps in community engagement forum

Participants in the forum included local representatives from the Heart Support Group (from left) Stephen Dunchouch, Myrna Hook, Cecil Nielson and Gilbert Nielson.

Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) held its first engagement session with its community and healthcare partners to support the implementation of the recently launched Health Service Strategy 2015-20.

The session, held at Caboolture Hospital on Tuesday 24 February, welcomed 31 representatives from community and healthcare organisations and community groups.

Metro North Hospital and Health Service Board Chair Dr Paul Alexander and Acting Chief Executive Terry Mehan attended the session to outline the importance of working together with community and healthcare partners in the implementation of the Health Service Strategy (HSS). He also highlighted that of equal importance is engaging with people who access our services.

One of the major focusses of the HSS is partnering with other organisations for the delivery of integrated and connected care. To achieve this MNHHS is committed to strengthening existing partnerships as well as connecting with new community and healthcare organisations to engage in dialogue and healthy debate for planning and progressing innovation for integrated care.

The information session was an opportunity for MNHHS to engage with the community and healthcare partners to ensure the Strategy delivers the set outcomes for patients, their carers and our diverse communities. This level of engagement is imperative for enabling equitable access to high-quality health care for the Metro North communities.

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