
Do you dare?

Today staff at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital were asked if they dared to go bare.

A video message was sent to all staff inviting them to click on a link that took them to a light hearted video featuring close up shots of a male and female staff member removing items of clothing and jewellery to demonstrate the Bare Below the Elbows hand hygiene procedure.

The video’s spokesperson Infectious Disease Physician Dr Krispin Hajkowicz explains the correct procedure for being Bare Below the Elbows.

“All staff who have direct contact with patients or the patients’ environment should be Bare Below the Elbows,” said Dr Hajkowicz.

“Don’t wear bracelets, wrist watches, unsecured long ties or lanyards or rings that are not simple bands. Make sure sleeves are above the elbow and cover broken skin and dermatitis.”

Acting Executive Director of Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Dr Judy Graves said the hospital chose World Hand Hygiene day to communicate the new Bare Below the Elbows procedure to staff and remind everyone of the importance of hand hygiene.

“Today’s World Hand Hygiene Day is also the 10th anniversary of the World Health Organisation Clean Care is Safe Care program.”

“While this is an annual event, it reminds us that hand hygiene is vital every single day,” said Dr Graves.

“Hand hygiene is the foundation of all infection prevention and monitoring programs and is one of the most important strategies in reducing the transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings. Infections can be prevented through good hand hygiene.”

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