Excellent care gives Andrew another reason to celebrate

Andrew Cathcart, from Samford
Andrew Cathcart, from Samford, doesn’t just love wearing green on St Patrick’s Day, he also has a green thumb.
Unfortunately, while indulging in his love of gardening one day last year, Andrew noticed a redness in his finger.
When it didn’t go away after a couple of days, Andrew visited a GP and was prescribed antibiotics.
A few days after that, he became disoriented and came to RBWH where he was quickly diagnosed with Nocardia, a rare flesh eating organism.
Much of last September and October are a blur for Andrew as he underwent 11 operations and countless appointments with everyone from hand specialists to plastic surgeons.
He now attends the RBWH Physiotherapy Department four times a week for ongoing treatment.
According to Andrew, “I wouldn’t be enjoying St Paddy’s Day if it weren’t for the excellent medical staff at RBWH”.