
Expo focuses on healthy ageing

INFORMATION on a diverse range of health, wellbeing, lifestyle and disability services will be showcased at the Healthy Ageing Expo at Brighton Health Campus on Friday, August 19.

The Expo will be held from 9am to 3pm as part of Seniors Week activities.

Minister for Transport and the Commonwealth Games and Sandgate MP, Stirling Hinchliffe said the Expo would be a fun, educational and informative day.

“The Healthy Ageing Expo is about all about enhancing the quality of life for older people, their families and carers,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

“Our population is increasing and people are living longer so by supporting our community to lead active and healthy lives at an older age, we are investing in sustainable healthcare.”

Executive Director Metro North Community, Indigenous and Subacute Services, Chris Seiboth, said the Expo was a great opportunity for local residents to connect with service providers and community organisations in a social environment.

“It’s shaping up to be an interesting and engaging event with more than 30 exhibits. In addition to our own health experts, we’ve got a range of local community groups, non-profit organisations, Council services and health stalls,” Mr Seiboth said.

“I’m particularly looking forward to getting involved in the healthy ageing activity demonstrations like tai chi and the morning walk on the foreshore.”

Entry is free and lunch will be provided for those attending.

Mr Seiboth said highlights of the day would include the opening of the relocated Sandgate and Districts Men’s Shed and the World Café Forum where people can learn more about the Vision for Brighton.

“Brighton Health Campus is a vital part of the local community, so it makes excellent sense that our local community plays an essential role in shaping the future of the site. We’ll be asking people for their ideas on how we continue to support the future needs of our ageing population and all people with complex and special needs,” Mr Seiboth said.

“The Expo continues the long Brighton tradition of serving the needs of our local community and aligns with a key theme in the Vision for Brighton to build a strong and vibrant community on site.

“The addition of the Sandgate and Districts Men’s Shed to our campus is one of the many ways we’re looking at increasing social activities.”

Healthy Ageing Expo details:

When: Friday, 19 August, 2016 – 9am-3pm
Where: Auditorium, Brighton Health Campus, 449 Beaconsfield Terrace, Brighton
More information: Danielle Grant Cross, Community and Strategic Relations Manager, Vision for Brighton, 3631 7869
Further information is available on the Metro North Healthy Ageing Expo website.

2016-08-15T03:19:48+00:0015 August 2016|
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