
Good Quick Tukka

Good Quick Tukka cooking program posters

Good Quick Tukka cooking program posters

If we are what we eat, National Nutrition Week from 11-17 October is a good time to prove it.

One program that is helping to raise awareness among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about how food and lifestyle choices impact our health and encourage better choices is the Good Quick Tukka Program.

The program, run by the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IHUH), was developed by the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council.

IUIH Dietician and Diabetes Educator Debbie Chen said the program was not only teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to cook and eat healthily, but also encouraged people to share the recipes by cooking or demonstrating to family and friends at home.

“The Good Quick Tukka cooking program provides people with the opportunity to taste different foods and use ingredients they may not have tried in the past,” she said.

“It has produced positive outcomes within community by increasing their confidence in cooking and in some cases increased people’s intake of vegetable and fruit,” she said.

All the recipes can be cooked within 30 minutes, are budget friendly, healthy and include fruit or vegetables.

The theme for National Nutrition Week is ‘Try for 5’ which encourages people to eat more fruit and vegetables every day.

Ms Chen said whether they’re fresh, frozen or canned, eating more fruit and vegetables was one of the easiest things we can all do for better health.

The Good Quick Tukka program can be implemented as a stand-alone cooking program or delivered within existing programs or at community events.

For further information about Good Quick Tukka cooking programs within South East Queensland, contact Keiron Lander, Preventative Health Team, IUIH on 0412 253 544.

2015-10-09T04:12:15+00:009 October 2015|
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