Health Alert – Measles

Measles rash
Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) has been notified of another diagnosed case of measles with possible contacts around the University of Queensland (UQ) St Lucia campus and elsewhere in Brisbane.
It is the fourth confirmed case of measles in a UQ student in the past five weeks.
Metro North Public Health Physician Dr James Smith said the student had been in a lecture with a previously confirmed measles case.
The student may have been at the following locations while infectious:
- University of Queensland, St Lucia between Tuesday 11 August and Wednesday 19 August
- Indooroopilly Shopping Centre Thursday 13 August
- The Royal Exchange Hotel Saturday 15 August
- Taringa Day and Night Medical Centre evening of Saturday 15 August
Fellow students and members of the public visiting the premises listed above in particular need to be alert for symptoms. People who may have come into contact with the patient who are uncertain of their immunity to measles should speak to their GP immediately.
Dr Smith said Metro North Public Health Unit would set up a vaccination clinic at UQ’s St Lucia Campus this week and particularly invite students resident in the university’s colleges who are unsure whether they have been vaccinated against measles to attend.
“Measles is a very contagious virus that is spread from person-to-person by tiny droplets created during coughing and sneezing. The droplets can remain suspended in the air,” Dr Smith said.
“Measles can be distressing for those with the infection and can cause serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).
“We encourage people to check if they need to be vaccinated against measles,” Dr Smith said.
“The initial symptoms of measles include fever, lethargy, runny nose, moist cough and sore and red eyes. This is followed a few days later by a blotchy red rash. The rash often starts on the face then becomes widespread.
“Symptoms usually start around 10 days after infection but sometimes longer. Anyone who develops measles-like symptoms should isolate themselves from school, work and social activities and seek medical advice.
“It’s very important to call the medical practice first to say you could have measles, so that staff can take precautions to avoid spreading the disease to others.”
For further information on measles:
- Visit Measles condition
- Phone 13 HEALTH (13 432 584)
- Contact your local doctor
Media Contact: 07 3647 9522