
High tea celebrates 150 years of nursing and midwifery at RBWH

Former RBWH nurses Joy, Cluny and Jeanette and Assistant Nursing Director Education Catriona are looking forward to the 150th celebrations next month

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) is calling all current and former nursing and midwifery staff to celebrate the hospital’s 150th anniversary with a High Tea Garden Party on 17 September.

Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Services Alanna Geary said this event is an opportunity to celebrate the rich history of the RBWH and the staff who helped build its legacy.

“The Royal has such a rich history, and nursing and midwifery has been a big part of that,” Alanna said.

“Our team is, and has always been, made up of incredibly brilliant and compassionate nurses and midwives who deserve to be celebrated,” she said.

“I myself am a 33 year veteran of RBWH. I am so proud to be a nurse and midwife and have enjoyed such a long, wonderful career.

“I know many members of our team share the same sense of satisfaction and pride working at the Royal, and alongside their wonderful colleagues.

“The high tea is an opportunity for many of us to reconnect with old colleagues, reminisce and of course, celebrate what we have achieved over the past 150 years.”

Tickets to the High Tea Garden Party can be purchased online at or by calling 07 3646 7588.

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