Inaugural art event draws on inspiration from 150 years of RBWH

RBWH Social Worker Suzette Fox and her piece ‘In All Seasons’
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) has unveiled a creative way to celebrate its people and places during its 150th year.
The inaugural RBWH Art Awards have attracted more than 80 entries from staff, patients and the wider Brisbane community.
RBWH Executive Director Dr Amanda Dines said the awards were one of the final events in the hospital’s milestone year and a wonderful way for people to be part of the celebrations.
“We’re delighted with the response to the awards,” Dr Dines said. “The level of creativity across all the categories is really impressive.
“It’s going to be a tough decision for our judges.”
Social Worker Suzette Fox is one of several Royal staff to answer the creative call and has entered two pieces: Though the Years (acrylic and collage) and In All Seasons (acrylic). The first depicts nursing care through the past century and a half, and the second showcases one of the hospital’s magnificent jacaranda trees.
“The jacarandas are such beautiful trees and, to me, are so symbolic of the hospital,” Suzette said.
“They have been here such a long time, are well established and change through the seasons. In a sense the hospital does the same, caring for people from birth though all seasons to the end of life.”
This is the first art competition for Suzette, who is a self-taught artist.
“I’ve dabbled here and there and always had an interest in art, but have taken it more seriously in the past three years,” she said.
“I find it immensely satisfying. I wouldn’t call it a hobby but an extension of myself—an expression of who I am.”
The RBWH Art Awards include categories of: painting or drawing, photography and sculpture. Visitors to the exhibition can also vote for the People’s Choice Award.
Entries are on display in the hospital’s Art Space (ground floor between Ned Hanlon and Joyce Tweddell buildings) until 8 December. Many of the pieces will be for sale.