
Ken Whelan appointed Metro North HHS Chief Executive Officer

Mr Ken Whelan has been appointed Metro North Hospital and Health Service Chief Executive Officer, Board Chair, Dr Paul Alexander AO, announced today.

Dr Alexander said Mr Whelan will take up his appointment on 13 May, 2015.

“Ken’s career in the health sector has spanned more than 35 years. He will join Metro North Hospital and Health Service from New South Wales Ministry of Health where he was Deputy Director General,” Dr Alexander said.

Mr Whelan began his career as a clinician before taking up roles as Director and then Chief Executive for health boards across New Zealand. He has also served as Chief Executive for Queensland Health Districts.

“The Board welcomes Ken’s innovative leadership and engagement focused management style,” Dr Alexander said.

“We are confident he will deliver an energised health service, continued stability and high quality health care to our patients and communities.”

Dr Alexander also acknowledged the significant contribution Acting Chief Executive Officer Terry Mehan has made to Metro North Hospital and Health Service since taking up the role in November 2014.

“Terry has done an outstanding job in restoring confidence and certainty to the health service, and will be recognised for his work in engaging staff, clinicians and our community during this time,” he said.

“Terry will work with Ken and the Executive team to ensure a smooth transition.”

Dr Alexander said the Board looks forward to Mr Mehan’s continued involvement with Metro North Hospital and Health Service.

2015-04-08T00:11:48+00:008 April 2015|
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