
Kids surgery for ear, nose and throat conditions now available at Caboolture

Kids surgery at CabooltureA new service at Caboolture Hospital will mean local kids will no longer have to travel to Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital for minor surgery for ear, nose or throat conditions.

The launch of the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) service will allow minor surgery, such as the removal of adenoids and perforated ear drums, to be performed at the ENT clinic at the hospital.

Caboolture-Kilcoy Hospital Acting Executive Director Dr Lance Le Ray said this was an exciting milestone, with the first ENT surgery taking place at the hospital today.

“The new service is part of a broader Metro North Hospital and Health Service strategy to provide better access to high-quality, safe and family-centred health services where they are needed in the community,” he said.

“We have been working very closely with specialist staff from the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital to identify local children on the wait list for surgery whose condition can be treated here.

” Dr Le Ray said highly respected and experienced surgeon, Dr Andrew Chang from Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, would perform the procedures and also conduct outpatient clinics at the hospital from 3 March 2015.

“The types of procedures to be performed today include surgery to correct chronic middle-ear infections and blockages, and the removal of adenoids,” he said.

“Minor procedures for children to improve air flow in the nose and repair perforated ear drums will also be performed at Caboolture Hospital following referrals from Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.

” Dr Le Ray urged all General Practitioners and doctors to continue to refer patients to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital so they can be categorised and coordinated properly with Caboolture Hospital.

The introduction of the ENT service at Caboolture Hospital follows the enhancement of children’s services in 2013 and the opening of the only specialist children’s Audiology Service in North Brisbane in mid-2014.

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