
Medical specialists honoured in Australia Day Awards

Two Metro North Hospital and Health Service medical specialists, Dr A. James Morton and Associate Professor Charles Denaro, have been recognised for their service in the 2015 Australia Day Honours list.

Dr Morton,  a Senior Specialist, Haematology and Bone Marrow Transplant Team, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM)   for significant service to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders through not-for-profit organisations, and to medicine in the field of oncology.

Assoc. Professor Denaro, Director of Internal Medicine at RBWH, was awarded a Public Service Medal for outstanding public service to Queensland Health.

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Acting Executive Director Dr Judy Graves said it was great to see RBWH doctors recognised for their outstanding contributions to medicine and the community.

Both Dr Morton and Associate Professor Denaro are to be congratulated for this significant achievement,” Dr Graves said.
“We are privileged to have such highly esteemed doctors working at our hospital and it is fitting they receive Australia Day Honours.”

As well as his work in oncology, Dr Morton is Founder and Chairperson of AEIOU Foundation (Autism and Early Intervention Outcomes Unit), which was established in 2004 and now has nine Queensland centres.

Assoc. Professor Denaro has made significant contribution to the care of patients in all Queensland public hospitals and more widely.

The award citation acknowledged Professor Denaro’s “focus on improving health outcomes and working to ensure a sustainable public health system has been delivered through his contributions to numerous programs and projects; constant and effective promotion of general medicine services; and training and mentoring young doctors on the path to becoming general physicians.

His constant attention to the quality use of medicines, safe prescribing practices and evidence-based medicine are demonstrated by his commitment as the Chair of Queensland Health Medicines Advisory Committee (QHMAC) for over 10 years.

Professor Denaro provided inspirational leadership, which resulted in the development of some of the first cardiac clinical indicators in the world. He has also given time and support to overseas trained doctors, helping them reach the Australian standards required and supporting their integration into Australian society and, since 2002, has supervised the Centre of Excellence for the treatment of patients suffering Fabry Disease in Queensland.”

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