Milk bank gives gift of life at Caboolture
Caboolture’s youngest patients now have access to the services of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital’s (RBWH) Milk Bank for Life.

The Miller family (from left) including Quade, Levi, little Zavian and mum Gabbie pictured with Milk Bank for Life Nurse Karen Langford, and Caboolture Hospital’s Anne Clayton and Stephanie Webster.
Caboolture Hospital Nursing and Midwifery Director Anne Clayton said this was a great day for maternity care in the region with the RBWH Milk Bank for Life expanding its services to help local mothers and their bubs get the best start in life.
“Breast milk is the ideal nutrition for babies, particularly premature and sick newborns. It promotes a nutritious start to growth and development,” Ms Clayton said.
“Mothers own milk is the preferred nutrition for their infant however, mothers of pre-term infants face many challenges in providing sufficient milk during their hospitalisation, due to maternal illness, and difficulties with establishing and maintaining supply.
“In these cases the Paediatrician may recommend Pasteurised Donor Human Breast (PDHM) milk donated by other mothers who have qualified as suitable donors.”
The Milk Bank for Life supplies pasteurised breast milk to babies born at less than 34 weeks gestation across Queensland and has donated a milk bank freezer to Caboolture and will provide breast milk for babies born prematurely.
“Through many caring and wonderful milk bank donors, our local mums and bubs will always have access to this precious commodity,” Ms Clayton said.
The RBWH’s Milk Bank for Life, has helped more than 1,000 babies around the country since it opened three years ago, and has more than 250 registered donor mums.
The Milk Bank screens, collects, processes and distributes donated human milk to hospitals across the state.
Ms Clayton said the donated milk ensures that babies have a healthier start to life and supports mothers who are unable to provide their infant with breast milk in their early life.
If you would like to know more about the RBWH Milk Bank for Life, or are interested in becoming a donor, please email or call (07) 3646 0542.