New midwifery care model a first in Brisbane

Health Minister Cameron Dick, Brisbane Central MP Grace Grace and A/ED for Women’s and Newborn Services Tami Photinos with Helen Saggers, the first woman to give birth at RBWH under new private midwife arrangements.
A new model of care at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) is providing women continuity of care throughout their entire pregnancy and birth journey, with their personal midwife.
Women who are booked to give birth at RBWH now have the option of being admitted as a private patient to be cared for by their chosen midwife for labour and birth, as well as their antenatal and postnatal care. RBWH currently has several eligible midwives (EPPMs) accredited with full visiting access.
Acting Executive Director for Women’s and Newborn Services Tami Photinos is pleased to be able to offer this model of care which provides more options to mums-to-be on Brisbane’s north side.
“This innovative model of maternity care is woman-focused and consumer-driven, and provides high levels of client satisfaction,” said Ms Photinos.
“We support the EPPM’s should they need to consult or refer during the pregnancy, and provide back-up when the women present in labour. Women can also access specialist appointments from RBWH as required,” she said.
Ms Photinos said RBWH has a thorough credentialing process for EPPM’s, and Consultation and Referral Guidelines to ensure any complications that arise during the pregnancy are referred to RBWH for specialist treatment.
“At all stages of a woman’s journey, we provide support and care in the event that medical conditions arise. We have a strong focus on woman-centred care,” she said.
The first phase of the model of care was implemented at RBWH in 2013, and in November 2014, the model expanded to include labour and birth care by the private midwife as a private patient.
Helen Saggers was the first woman to give birth at RBWH under the new private midwife arrangements. Helen said working with her chosen midwife, Michelle from My Midwives, throughout the preparation for birth, delivery and post natal care felt very natural.
“I feel those six months leading up to the birth were absolutely crucial, Michelle got to know my partner Doug and I; our strengths, weaknesses, dreams, fears and most importantly we created a birth plan together to achieve the best possible outcome,” said Helen.
“During labour Michelle was nothing but supportive. She kept my birth suite calm and peaceful and was by my side for every surge,” she said.