
Outstanding contributions recognised at Metro North Australia Day Awards

Australia Day Awards 2016Exceptional people and teams working to deliver excellence in health care were recognised at the Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) Australia Day Awards for 2016 on 27 January.
From frontline medical staff to allied health and administration staff, the awards honoured some of outstanding contributions to Metro North’s service delivery such as putting consumers and the communities first, demonstrating innovation, improving performance and empowering others.
The awards were presented at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) Education Centre by MNHHS Chief Executive Ken Whelan and Acting Metro North Hospital and Health Board Chair Vaughan Howell.
Team awards went to:

  • RBWH Intensive Care Unit, Burns Unit and Department of Social Work for multidisciplinary care in the management of Ravenshoe burns patients – the largest aeromedical retrieval of burns patients this state has ever conducted.
  • Staff of Caboolture Hospital for their teamwork and shared responsibility in their care for patients, family members and the community during the Caboolture flood emergency
  • Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department
  • Kilcoy Connect Project for excellence in team performance, patient flow and patient outcomes for regional and rural patients in Metro North.
  • Department of Medical Imaging, RBWH for improved productivity and reduced outpatient waitlists
  • Nursing Services Workforce Development and Education Unit, RBWH for the support, guidance and counsel they provide to staff and for ensuring safe patient care through the provision of robust education and training models

Individual award winners were:

  • Derek Just, Director of Pharmacy at Redcliffe Hospital, for championing the introduction of clinical pharmacy in the wards.
  • Diane Bretherton, Emergency Management and Business Continuity Manager for Metro North, for her work in mitigating risks which may impact services during emergencies
  • Paul Bew, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist at Brighton Health Campus, for provision of highly individualised patient care, particularly in the difficult area of stroke rehabilitation
  • Dr Hugh McCallum, Dental Specialist with Children’s Oral Health Service, for his advocacy for the Cleft Lip and Palate program at Children’s Oral Health Service
  • Jan Anderson, Safety and Quality Officer, Metro North Oral Health Service, for her continuous quest for service improvement
  • Kevin Clark, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Early Assessment Medical Unit, The Prince Charles Hospital, for championing enhancements to safely improve the patient experience
  • Diane Burrows, Service Development Coordinator, Metro North Mental Health,  for her commitment  Quality and Safety
  • Tracey Rodgers, Consumer/Carer Consultant, Metro North Mental Health, for championing  improvements in   mental health services and outcomes for consumers
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