
Photographic treasure

Photographer with Nurse Unit Manager

Sunshine Coast photographer Michelle Natoli and Caboolture Hospital Maternity Nurse Unit Manager Sue Foyle with some of the photographs from the Bumps and babies by Michelle collection.

Mums, bubs and visitors to Caboolture Hospital’s maternity ward and birthing suite will be in for a delightful surprise with a large collection of treasured, canvas-printed photos gracing the walls and waiting areas.

The collection, Bumps and babies by Michelle, is made up of 27 inspirational baby bump and newborn photos, 10 of which were thoughtfully donated to the hospital by Sunshine Coast photographer Michelle Natoli.

Michelle, who is a mother of three, said she wanted to do something nice for birth suite staff, and the mums and bubs at the hospital.

“I have such a healthy respect for midwives and all that they do,” she said. “So much is expected from them and they not only do this without complaint but go above and beyond these expectations more than most people realize.”

Michelle said photographs of your bump or your newborn baby are something you will treasure your entire life.

“There are not too many gifts or purchases you can say that about,” she said.

Caboolture Hospital Maternity Nurse Unit Manager Sue Foyle said the donation of the collection was an extremely generous gift from Michelle and the Caboolture Hospital Auxiliary.

“The large photographs have had such a positive impact on our mothers and midwives – everyone that has come through that have come through the maternity unit have said how beautiful they are.”

Michelle said the 17 additional photos in the Bumps and babies by Michelle collection had been  purchased and donated to the hospital by the Caboolture Hospital Auxiliary.

The volunteers who make up the Auxiliary, have raised more than $2 million in funds to support the hospital and its patients over the past two decades.

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