
Pormpuraaw Elders endorse culturally appropriate care

Pormpuraaw Elders Norma Teddy and Danny Coleman with IPJ Community Engagement Officer Horace Nona.

Pormpuraaw Elders Norma Teddy and Danny Coleman with IPJ Community Engagement Officer Horace Nona.

Pormpuraaw Elders Danny Coleman and Norma Teddy recently travelled to Brisbane as part of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit Improving the Patient Journey (IPJ) program.

Danny received treatment for an eye condition at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. In the past, he has travelled to Cairns Hospital.

Travelling from a community of 400+ people to Brisbane can be an overwhelming experience, but the Improving the Patient Journey is ensuring people have a safe journey to the hospital and return to community.

Norma said the program had helped make their trip down from their community a seamless journey with transport, food and culturally appropriate support.

“We’ve found the program to be very good, particularly the support with transport to and from the airport, assistance with familiarising ourselves in a big city and the culturally appropriate care we received from Community Engagement Officer Horace Nona.”

Norma said they would be spreading the word amongst the community in Pormpuraaw about the good care they received while staying in Brisbane.

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