
QuaRRIES recognise excellence in services

Internal Medicine Services won the Best Poster Award for The OPAT Project

Internal Medicine Services won the Best Poster Award for The OPAT Project

The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital QuARRIES Awards held on 14 July highlighted some of the remarkable quality initiatives and excellence in service improvement by staff.

“Safe, quality patient care is not about doing what we have always done. Instead, it focuses our attention to continuously strive to improve what we do and how we do it – to make work practices better for each other, for our patients and their families,” said Acting Executive Director RBWH, Adj. Assoc. Prof Alanna Geary.

Now in its 19th year, the QuARRIES are a demonstration of the Metro North Hospital and Health Service Putting people first initiative in action – innovative practices implemented by staff to improve patient outcomes.

This year for the first time, award nominees were invited to share their initiatives and knowledge at the QuARRIES Day of Excellence before the awards ceremony, so that others could learn from their experience. The presentations were well received by staff, Board members and consumers who attended.

The eight category winners were rigorously judged by a multidisciplinary team of Metro North HHS senior staff as well as a Consumer Representative.  The Service Line of each category winner accepted the QuARRIES trophy at the awards ceremony.

The Overall Superior Quality Achiever award was presented to the category winner with the highest score. This is a perpetual trophy, which bears the names of all past winners.

Fostering Innovation Category: Kidney Health Service Dashboard
Internal Medicine Services

Fostering Innovation Project Category: Allied Health Specialist Outpatient Pathways
Allied Health Professions

Excellence in Performance Category: IMS Nursing Medication Administration Observation and Feedback Study
Internal Medicine Services

Excellence in Performance Project Category: Improving Surgical Outpatient Access
Surgery and Perioperative Services

Excellence in Leadership category: Leaders in Dietetic, Nutrition & Food Services
Allied Health Professions

Excellence in Leadership Project category: NeoRESQ: combined expertise and resources
Women’s and Newborn Service Services

Customer Focus Category: Improving nutritional intake in hospital
Allied Health Professions

Customer Focus Project category: Tracheostomy Management Team Project: Consumer Engagement
Allied Health Professions and Critical Care and Clinical Support Services

Best Poster Award: The OPAT Project
Internal Medicine Services

Overarching Superior Quality Winner: Improving nutritional intake in hospital
Allied Health Professions

Congratulations to all category winners as well as all nominees in the 2015 QuARRIES Awards.

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