
RBWH Cancer Care staff rally blood donations for Team Adem

Cancer care team AdemStaff from Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital’s Cancer Care Service gave blood this week, inspired by a Queensland teenager who received more than 350 units of blood during a brave battle with leukaemia.

The staff who cared for the late Adem Crosby, who sadly lost his battle with leukaemia in May 2013 at the age of 19, say they have been moved to give blood and help to carry on his legacy.

They are donating blood for Team Adem, the group formed by Adem’s family and friends which has so far inspired people around the country to give blood more than 2000 times, helping to save around 6000 Australian patients.

Team Adem is the fourth largest Red Cross Blood Service group donation team in Australia and with the Blood Donormobile visiting RBWH this week, it was the perfect time to kick off RBWH Cancer Care for Team Adem donations.

Cancer Care Services Registered Nurse Vanessa Maccioni said the launch at RBWH has been a huge success.

“We had 51 donations on Wednesday which is the largest ever at the RBWH donormobile in one day, with a further 32 and 49 the following days,” Vanessa said.

“We are overwhelmed and humbled by the response of the hospital staff and visitors and how many potential lives we are saving.”

One in three Australians will need blood during their lifetime but only one in 30 donate blood. The blood donormobile visits RBWH four times a year which provides a convenient opportunity for people to donate.

If you would like to know more about RBWH Cancer Care For Team Adem or would like to join their group, email Vanessa at or follow them on Facebook.

To find out more about blood donation, call 13 14 95 or visit

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