
RBWH receives international award for consumer engagement

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) has been recognised for its consumer and community engagement program in the 2015 International Hospital Federation Awards.

The Power to drive change – working together for excellence: creating a continuously improving consumer engagement framework was runner up for the IHF Dr Kwang Tae Kim Grand Award announced at the World Hospital Congress in Chicago.

The consumer and community engagement program was implemented by RBWH in 2012 with the purpose of continually improving the patient experience.

“Patients and their carers are at the centre of everything we do. RBWH is excited to be recognised for working in partnership with our consumers to develop and improve services,” Dr Amanda Dines, Executive Director RBWH, said.

Catherine Ryan, Assistant Director of Nursing, RBWH Safety and Quality has led the program since its inception.

Catherine said learning from consumer experience and expertise is at the heart of the program.

“Our methodology ensures consumers have a voice in the health system, and a robust avenue for providing feedback about their care, treatment, and experience of services,” Catherine said.

This feedback provides an understanding of the needs and expectations of patients, and a reliable measure for the hospital’s performance in delivering patient-centred care.

The program is embedded in all areas of the hospital and fully supported by the leadership team. It educates staff on the issues that matter most to patients.

Key features include a Consumer and Community Engagement Committee with staff from each hospital service working in partnership with consumers to develop a sustainable framework.

Hospital departments have taken the program a step further, developing their own engagement activities specific to individual service needs with the goal of improving patient safety, experience and outcomes.

“This framework empowers and encourages staff and consumers to work together to contribute, develop, learn, be innovative and creative in the delivery of patient-centred care,” Catherine said.

Media contact: 07 3646 7863

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