Research to measure cost-effectiveness of dementia treatment

Associate Professor Tracy Comans
Metro North’s own Associate Professor Tracy Comans has been awarded a slice of a $40 million funding pie under the Federal Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council grants program.
A/Prof. Comans received a Receiving a Boosting Dementia Research Leadership Fellowship for her work that will explore new methods of measuring treatments and care packages for people with dementia.
“It is important that we as healthcare providers ensure there is appropriately-funded and timely care available for Australians living with dementia,” A/Prof. Comans said.
“It is a key concern for both the public and for governments at every level.
“My research will develop new ways to measure the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of programs currently provided to people with dementia.
“Not only will I be looking at their effectiveness on quality of life, I’ll also be looking at how and where funding and resources should be directed to, and making sure it gets to the programs most likely to benefit.
“The end goal is to ensure the sustainability of our health and social care system so that we can continue to provide appropriate services to our patients into the future.”
The fellowship will commence 1 November and A/Prof. Comans will work within The University of Queensland’s Centre for Health Services Research.