
Review of long stay residential services

Metro North Hospital and Health Service has formed a team of senior health professionals to review the delivery of long stay residential care services across the HHS.

Metro North Hospital and Health Service has formed a team of senior health professionals to review the delivery of long stay residential care services across the HHS.

Metro North Board Chair Dr Robert Stable AM said the service had appointed Ms Karen Roach to lead the review.

“Ms Roach is a highly experienced, independent and external health professional with an extensive career in both the public and private health sectors in Australia and New Zealand,” Dr Stable said.

“Ms Roach will review and make recommendations to the Metro North Hospital and Health Service Board and senior management group to ensure our residential care aligns with contemporary best practice models of care.

“She will also work directly with residents, family members and staff during the course of the review.

“Our aim is to ensure that our long stay residential care meets the required standards to ensure a high quality residential environment for our residents, their families and our staff members.

“I encourage any member of the public and staff, including any former member of staff, who has any information they believe will be useful for the review, to provide this for consideration.”

Emails may be sent on a strictly confidential basis to – an email address specifically set up for the review of Metro North long stay residential services.

The review will cover all long stay residential care services across the Metro North HHS and it is planned to have a report completed by the end of 2017.

2017-09-01T01:44:30+00:001 September 2017|
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