
Ross River on the rise

Ross River VirusSo far this year, more than 380 Queenslanders have contracted the mosquito-borne virus Ross River Virus (RRV) compared to 120 cases reported in the same period last year.

The current high abundance of mosquitoes is said to be associated with recent heavy rainfall and high tides.

Metro North Hospital and Health Service Medical Entomologist Dr Cassie Jansen provided some comment on the situation in today’s Courier Mail.

Dr Jansen said local councils across Queensland work hard to manage mosquito numbers and carry out aerial and ground sprays.

“While they treat the vast majority of mosquitoes that torment us, there are still some that get away,” Dr Jansen said.

Dr Jansen explained how councils can only work on public land so it was important residents played their part in controlling mosquitoes by taking simple steps around the home to protect themselves and their family.

“Checking the condition of screens on windows and doors and on rainwater tanks is a great place to start. Ensure screens around your home are in good condition.

“Make sure you empty water regularly from containers such as pot plant saucers and pet water bowls.

“It’s always a good idea to clean up yards regularly and throw out any rubbish lying around that can hold water.”

The significant increase in Ross River Virus cases has been predominantly across the Southern part of Queensland and it is imperative that people protect themselves.

Ross River Virus is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes and causes fatigue, fever, skin rash and joint pain which can be very debilitating.

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