
Tide continues to rise on Ross River Virus cases

MosquitoMore than 1000 Queenslanders have now contracted the potentially debilitating mosquito-borne virus Ross River Virus (RRV).

The recent heavy rains and high tides have contributed to the significant increase in RRV notifications, which have been predominately across the Southern part of Queensland.

Metro North Public Health Physician Dr Megan Young said so far this year there had been 227 cases notified within Metro North Hospital and Health Service.

“All regions across South East Queensland are seeing a spike in cases of RRV for this time of year,” Dr Young said.

‘‘RRV is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes and causes fatigue, fever, skin rash and joint pain which can be very debilitating so it is imperative that people protect themselves.”

Dr Young said prevention was key to avoiding mosquito bites and consequently, mosquito-borne diseases.

“There are many things people can do to avoid getting bitten by mosquitos.

“Use a suitable insect repellent that contains DEET or picaridin when heading outdoors and wear loose-fitting, light coloured clothing to avoid bites.

“You can also do things around the home to prevent mosquito breeding sites such as emptying water from containers, pot plant saucers and pet water bowls.

“People forget even small pools of water found in boats, wheelbarrows or on tarpaulins left outside can breed mosquitoes so it’s a good idea to clean up your yard to get rid of these potential breeding sites.”

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2015-02-24T00:17:19+00:0024 February 2015|
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