
Unique test to help detect lung cancer early

Researchers at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) are trialling a new test with the potential to provide early diagnosis for lung cancer, the world’s most deadliest cancers.

As Australia’s lead site for the international trial, TPCH is aiming to identify how lung cancer can be detected earlier using low dose CT scanning and Computer Aided Diagnosis.

Early screening and diagnosis will allow earlier intervention and treatment to help reduce the number of advanced incurable lung cancers that occur in Australia each year.

Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer deaths with some 12,000 new cases diagnosed in Australia each year.

The disease is typically diagnosed at an advanced stage and currently, only 15 per cent of people survive beyond five years after diagnosis.

Participants needed

TPCH is looking for interested individuals to join the lung screening trial to assist with this vital research.

Participants must be:

  • A smoker or recent former smoker
  • Aged from 55 to 80
  • In good general health

To register interest for the trial, phone (07) 3139 6632.

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