Our People

Professor Michael Schuetz
Professor Michael Schuetz is a practicing orthopaedic surgeon and research leader in the field of trauma care and orthopaedic trauma research and in August 2018 he commenced as the Director of Jamieson Trauma Institute based at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital campus in Brisbane.
Prof Schuetz has held many esteemed positions in both Germany and Australia.
Between 2004 and 2016 Michael Schuetz was the Chair of Trauma at the Queensland University of Technology as well as Director of Trauma at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
Also between April 2016 until August 2018 he held the position of Chair for Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery at the Humboldt and Free Universities of Berlin as well being the Director of the Centre for Musculoskeletal Surgery at the Charité Hospital in Berlin.
Professor Schuetz’s research interests lies in the fields of orthopaedic trauma surgery, trauma system management, traumatology, fracture healing and implant development. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed publications.

Dr Cate Cameron
Principal Research Fellow
Dr Cameron is a Principal Research Fellow in the Jamieson Trauma Institute and is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at QUT.
Dr Cameron’s primary role is the development and coordination of JTI’s research capacity.
Dr Cameron has 25 years of clinical and academic experience, with a PhD in Epidemiology and primary interest in injury prevention and trauma outcomes research using data linkage methods. In her academic roles she has written over 125 peer-reviewed publications, conference papers and reports.
In addition to national and international data linkage projects, Dr Cameron’s work has included developing and managing a longitudinal birth cohort study of child health and injury outcomes, paediatric and adult burns trauma, spinal cord injury rehabilitation and European Union funded research on Violence against Children (VAC) in Afghanistan. Dr Cameron is currently supervising several PhD candidates at the University of Queensland and Griffith University and has been an expert advisor on several State Health, Disability and Trauma committees and is a current member of the Qld Health Data Linkage Reference Group.

Jacelle Warren
Ms Warren is a Biostatistician in the Jamieson Trauma Institute and a Senior Statistician within Recover Injury Research Centre, The University of Queensland.
Ms Warren has completed a Masters of Science (Statistics) through the Biostatistical Collaboration of Australia and The University of Queensland. She has co-authored numerous statistical reports for the Queensland Trauma Registry and for the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC), in addition to a number of peer-reviewed publications on determinants of outcome following injury.
Ms Warren has extensive experience with statistical analysis of large injury datasets, both cross-sectional and longitudinal, and has a particular interest in the physical and psychological recovery of injured people.
She has also spent ten years working in data management, data analysis and reporting of injury data collected by the Queensland Trauma Registry (QTR).

Kirsten Vallmuur
Principal Research Fellow
Dr Kirsten Vallmuur is a Principal Research Fellow in the Jamieson Trauma Institute under a joint appointment with the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation at the Queensland University of Technology. The position is funded by a three year fellowship awarded by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission in 2017.
Dr Vallmuur’s role is to contribute to the establishment, development and coordination of the Statewide Trauma Data Warehouse (an initiative of Queensland Health) and to conduct research using integrated linked trauma data to better understand the burden, patterns, treatment, costs and outcomes of trauma in Queensland.
Dr Vallmuur has a PhD in Psychology and previously worked as a Principal Research Fellow/ARC Future Fellow at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland, QUT for a number of years, before moving recently to the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation, QUT to undertake the current fellowship project. She has expertise in injury surveillance systems, trauma data linkage, health classifications and injury classifications.

Rosalind Wendt
Executive Support Officer
Ms Wendt is the Executive Support Officer for The Jamieson Trauma Institute and comes from a background in nursing and midwifery at both Metro North and Metro South Hospital and Health Services.
Providing support for the Institute and its researchers, Rosalind is a key coordinator for collaborative meetings, committee liaising and TJI’s documentation registration.
Rosalind’s previous experience includes seven years at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), where she specialised in a number of key trauma areas and led program coordination for the RACS Trauma Verification Program. She was also the secretariat for several key committees including RACS Qld Trauma, Trauma Verification and Trauma Quality Improvement including sponsorship/ budgeting for Australasian Verification site reviews and trauma committees.
Prior to this, Rosalind spent five years as the RACS Qld Regional Office Coordinator.
Contact us
Location: Building 7, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Phone: (07) 3646 0210
Email: JamiesonTraumaInstitute