Plan for a faster recovery2017-10-09T13:02:42+10:00

Plan for a faster recovery

Did you know?

There are 3 important things you can do for a faster recovery?

  1. Eat well
  2. Move regularly to help circulation
  3. Stay engaged in things that interest you

1. Eat well

  • Do you have a poor appetite?
  • Are you are eating less than usual?
  • Are you losing weight without trying?
  • Are you having trouble chewing or swallowing?

Have you lost weight without trying? Ask staff to organise for you to speak with a dietitian.

Are you eating enough to recover? Ask staff to organise for you to speak with a dietitian if you are unsure.

Please tell your dietetic assistant or another member of your healthcare team so we can help you.

Try to:

  • Eat small meals often
  • Select snacks between meals
  • Clean your teeth regularly

Talk to your nurse, dietetic assistant or dietitian if nausea persists and you are struggling to eat or drink.

Please let your dietetic assistant know when ordering your menu selections.

Eating regular meals is essential for your recovery.

If you are not fasting and don’t receive a meal, please let your dietetic assistant or nurse know so that other food options can be organised.

The food offered in hospital may be different to your usual diet because of personal, cultural or religious preferences, or because you are on a special diet. Talk to your dietitian to discuss food options from home. Your family should also be involved in these discussions.

2. Moving regularly helps circulation

Keep moving by regularly:

  • Walking
  • Sitting out of bed, especially to eat your meals whenever possible
  • Changing your position in bed

Ask your nurse or a staff member for assistance.

If you prefer your family to help you, please ask staff to talk to your family about how they can safely do this.

Tips to help you stay on your feet

We can help you be safe and stay on your feet.  Here are some simple steps to reduce our chance of a fall.

Have you been for some walks today?

Talk to a member of your healthcare team if you are unsure whether you can go for a short walk. If you need assistance, we are here to help you move around or reposition you to walk to the toilet or shower and to eat at meal times.

Try to sit out of bed and walk as much as possible for a faster recovery. Move your legs and feet while you are in bed.

If you need to wear glasses or hearing aids, make sure you use these. Ask your family to bring in some comfortable clothes and well-fitting shoes.

Let staff know if your clothes or bedding are damp.

3. Stay engaged in things that interest you

  • Have a chat, read or play a game
  • Keeping your mind active is important for your recovery

Are you getting adequate sleep overnight? Talk to your nurse or doctor if you are struggling to get enough sleep.

Being in pain slows down your recovery, can hinder mobility and can affect your mood so speak with your nurse and doctor if this affects you!


Tell us how we can improve our services and your experience.

Speak with the ward staff or the nurse in charge. If you would like to complete our online feedback form.