Medical careers
Join a medical workforce that will provide you with broad clinical exposure and hands-on experience. Redcliffe Hospital is recognised as a training facility for multiple specialties. We are an accredited 240-bed training facility that provides opportunities for generalist or specialist career pathways. Build your clinical skills and assist your professional advancement through participation in a range of clinical and hands-on experiences.
Our hospital is part of Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS), the largest and most diverse health service in Queensland. We represent one of Australia’s most dynamic workforces.
Contact us
A/Medical Workforce Coordinator
Kay Meredith
Phone: (07) 3883 7287
Email: Kay.Meredith
Director of Clinical Training
Dr James Macdonald
Phone: (07) 3883 7336
Email: James.macdonald2
Senior Medical Education Officers
Heather Dowling/Christina Kapitsalas
Phone: (07) 3883 7194
Email: MedEd-Redcliffe
A/Director Medical Workforce and Education
Kirsten Mitchell
Phone: (07) 3883 7225
Email: Kirsten.mitchell