Emergency referrals

Phone the relevant on-call Registrar via the Department of Emergency Medicine at your nearest facility. All urgent cases must be discussed with the On-call Registrar.

Urgent cases accepted via phone must be accompanied with a written referral and a copy faxed immediately.

The Prince Charles Hospital

If you have a patient who lives in The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) area and you are considering sending them to TPCH Emergency Department, please call the GP Rapid Access to Consultive Expertise (GRACE) hotline first. GRACE will provide access to internal medicine expertise to help with assessment, management and treatment.

GRACE Hotline: (TPCH only) (07) 3139 6896

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Admitting Medical Registrar advice

This call will be answered by the switch. Ask for the admitting Medical Registrar for advice on admission alternatives or admission processes that may not require the emergency department.

Switchboard: (07) 3646 8111

Hospital in the Nursing Home

Provide clinical support over the phone for patients in residential aged care facilities.

Phone: (07)  3647 4627

Caboolture Hospital

ED Admission-related queries (24 hours/7 days)

If you need to consult with the emergency department specialist in charge prior to your referral, you may do so by calling this number.

Phone: (07) 5433 8458

Inpatient/Direct admission queries

Ask for the on-call consultant physician – for advice regarding possible admission of a patient.

Phone: (07)  5433 8888

Redliffe Hospital

Redcliffe Medical Assessment Unit (MAU)

Ask for the Medical Registrar on call. For advice or direct admission to the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) bypassing the emergency department.

The MAU is appropriate for patients who do not have a medical emergency, have a clear diagnosis, are stable and do not have infection control issues.

Phone: (07) 3883 7777

Hospital in the Home

For patients who would otherwise need daily review at home by a nurse and oversight by a physician.

Phone: (07)  3883 7456

Chronic Disease Service

For patients with heart failure, COPD, asthma and diabetes. Provides education, action plans, home visits and phone follow up.

May be able to identify alternatives to admission.

Phone: (07)  3049 2305 or (07)  3897 6214

Residential Care Liaison Service (RCLS)

Provides clinical support and consultation for residents of aged care facilities.

Phone: (07)  3049 6868

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