Complex or undifferentiated medical problems
Emergency referrals
All urgent cases must be discussed with the on call Registrar to obtain appropriate prioritisation and treatment. Contact through:
- Caboolture Hospital (07) 5433 8888
- Redcliffe Hospital (07) 3883 7777
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (07) 3646 8111
- The Prince Charles Hospital (07) 3139 4000
Urgent cases accepted via phone must be accompanied with a written referral and a copy faxed immediately to the Central Patient Intake Unit: 1300 364 952.
Does your patient wish to be referred?
Minimum referral criteria
Does your patient meet the minimum referral criteria?
Category 1
Appointment within 30 days is desirable
- Unstable co-morbidities which require early medical intervention to prevent further deterioration that may result in emergency hospitalisation
- Recent discharge from hospital or emergency department (<4 weeks) and need for ongoing surveillance and optimisation of co-morbidities
- Acute exacerbation of chronic medical condition which impacts on other co-morbidities and requires close monitoring
- Rapidly progressive or recent onset of undifferentiated syndromes (eg pyrexia [T<39°C] of unknown origin, marked decline in cognitive function, generalised sub-acute myalgia/arthralgia or other undifferentiated rheumatic syndromes, generalised lymphadenopathy) for which definitive diagnosis and/or management plan is required
- Fatigue lasting more than 3 months and any of the following:
- significant weight loss (≥5% body weight in previous 6 months)
- recent and/or progressive onset in previously well, older patient
- dyspnoea or other features suggestive of cardiorespiratory compromise
- unexplained lymphadenopathy
- presence of fever
Category 2
Appointment within 90 days is desirable
- Stable co-morbidities that require risk assessment and medical optimisation
- Stable or slowly progressive undifferentiated syndromes (eg fatigue, decline in cognitive function, generalised lymphadenopathy) for which definitive diagnosis and/or management plan is required
- Chronic symptoms (eg dyspnoea, dizziness, imbalance) or condition requiring investigations and management to minimise long term impairment
- Chronic symptoms causing significant social/economic/functional impairment
- Diagnostic dilemmas requiring further investigation or confirmation
- Connective tissue disease which is active but not life threatening
- Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)
Category 3
Appointment within 365 days is desirable
- Multiple co-morbidities in need of regular review where referral to two or more specialty clinics imposes an unacceptable burden on patients
- Soft tissue rheumatism
- Non-progressive fatigue lasting longer than 3 months that remains unexplained despite detailed investigation
If your patient does not meet the minimum referral criteria
Consider other treatment pathways or an alternative diagnosis.
If you still need to refer your patient:
- Please explain why (e.g. warning signs or symptoms, clinical modifiers, uncertain about diagnosis, etc.)
- Please note that your referral may not be accepted or may be redirected to another service
Other important information for referring practitioners
Not an exhaustive list
- Laboratory tests should be limited and dependent on the history and examination.
- Available depression tools include:
- Consider referral to dietitian if significant weight loss reported.
- Refer to HealthPathways for assessment and management information if available
Referral requirements
A referral may be rejected without the following information.
- Relevant medical history, co-morbidities (including depression and anxiety) and medications (including an assessment of adherence)
- Details of all treatments offered and assessment of efficacy
- A clear indication of clinical question that the specialist is required to address
- Details of any functional decline or cognitive impairment
- FBC, ELFT, ESR & TSH results
In cases of suspected malignancy, pyrexia of unknown origin or generalised lymphadenopathy, also include:
- CT scan chest/abdomen/pelvis
- ANA plus full antibody profile if ANA > 1/640
- Serum protein electrophoresis
In cases of myalgia/arthralgia, also include:
- CPK results
- ANA plus full antibody profile if ANA > 1/640
In cases of poorly controlled diabetes, also include:
- HbA1c
In cases of suspected rheumatological or systemic inflammatory conditions, also include:
- CRP, Rh factor & ANA results
In cases of suspected or known cardiorespiratory disease, also include:
In cases of unexplained fatigue of recent onset, also include:
- Impact on daily life and work (including falling asleep while driving)
- Urinalysis results
- Calcium, ESR/CRP, iron studies, CPK (if muscle weakness or pain), vitamin B12 & folate results
In cases of cognitive decline, also include:
- Vitamin B12 and folate
- Urine m/c/s
- CT head
Additional Referral Information (Useful for processing the referral)
- Existing psychosocial issues and supports
- Copies of discharge summaries and outpatient letters relating to encounters with other specialists
- BNP (if available)
- Magnesium and phosphate results (if appropriate)
- Documentation relating to past hospitalisations and clinic visits for anxiety/depression (if appropriate)
- Background information on occupational history and past infectious diseases (if appropriate)
Out of catchment
Metro North Health is responsible for providing public health services to the people who reside within its boundaries. Special consideration is made for patients requiring tertiary care or services that are not provided by their local Hospital and Health Service. If your patient lives outside the Metro North Health area and you wish to refer them to one of our services, inclusion of information regarding their particular medical and social factors will assist with the triaging of your referral.
- Impact on employment
- Impact on education
- Impact on home
- Impact on activities of daily living
- Impact on ability to care for others
- Impact on personal frailty or safety
- Identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- To establish a diagnosis
- For treatment or intervention
- For advice and management
- For specialist to take over management
- Reassurance for GP/second opinion
- For a specified test/investigation the GP can’t order, or the patient can’t afford or access
- Reassurance for the patient/family
- For other reason (e.g. rapidly accelerating disease progression)
- Clinical judgement indicates a referral for specialist review is necessary
- Presenting symptoms (evolution and duration)
- Physical findings
- Details of previous treatment (including systemic and topical medications prescribed) including the course and outcome of the treatment
- Body mass index (BMI)
- Details of any associated medical conditions which may affect the condition or its treatment (e.g. diabetes), noting these must be stable and controlled prior to referral
- Current medications and dosages
- Drug allergies
- Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs use
- Full name (including aliases)
- Date of birth
- Residential and postal address
- Telephone contact number/s – home, mobile and alternative
- Medicare number (where eligible)
- Name of the parent or caregiver (if appropriate)
- Preferred language and interpreter requirements
- Identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- Full name
- Full address
- Contact details – telephone, fax, email
- Provider number
- Date of referral
- Signature
- Willingness to have surgery (where surgery is a likely intervention)
- Choice to be treated as a public or private patient
- Compensable status (e.g. DVA, Work Cover, Motor Vehicle Insurance, etc.)
Send referral
Hotline: 1300 364 938
Fax: 1300 364 952
Electronic: eReferral system
Mail: Metro North Central Patient Intake
Aspley Community Centre
776 Zillmere Road
Health pathways
Access to Health Pathways is free for clinicians in Metro North Brisbane.
For login details email:
Login to Brisbane North Health Pathways:
- Caboolture Hospital
- Redcliffe Hospital
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
- The Prince Charles Hospital
- Several community centres
- Named Referral Information Sheet
- Outpatient clinic information
- General referral criteria
- eReferral template
Useful Links
- Standardised mini mental state examination
- RUDAS - Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale
- KICA- Urban Modified Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment
- Queensland Health Statewide Dementia Clinical Network
- Dementia Behavioural Management Advisory Service
- Alzheimer's Australia
- Alzheimer's Association of Queensland