Early Psychosis Service (mental health)

The Early Psychosis Service provides frequent community-based care to young people between 18 and 24 years old. We see people living in The Prince Charles Hospital and Royal Brisbane and Woman’s Hospital catchment area who are having a first experience of psychosis or where there is a high risk that they will develop psychosis.

Our services

We can help you to understand your illness and find ways to reduce or cope with illness symptoms. Our aim is to help you restabilise your mental health and help you return to an active and healthy life as soon as you can.

We can connect you with various support agencies such as employment, relationship matters and alcohol and drug services. Families and carers are offered an early psychosis group education program and guidance to community family programs.

Your treating team is made up of a range of mental health clinicians, including a doctor. It may also include a psychologist, nurse, social worker or occupational therapist.

How to access this service

Call 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255)

In an emergency call 000 or go to a hospital with an Emergency Department.

We will notify you within a week after receiving your referral if you will be seeing us regularly, and provide more information about the service. A team member will meet with you to explain how the team works and what to expect from the service. It can be helpful to bring a family member or close friend with you to your initial appointments.


What to bring

Each time you visit us
  • Your Medicare card
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Recovery goals and plan
  • Medications you are currently taking, including any that you have bought without a prescription and herbal medicine
  • Private health insurance card (if you want to use it)
  • Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame
For an outpatient or clinic appointment
  • Your appointment letter
  • Any special items listed on your letter
  • Snacks, a drink or money to buy refreshments

Contact us

Nundah Community Health Centre
Location: 10 Nellie Street
Phone: (07) 3146 2589
Fax: (07) 3146 2587
Open: Monday-Friday 8.00am-4.30pm

Need help outside hours?

Call 1300 MH Call (1300 64 22 55).

In the case of an emergency call 000.