
Staff Excellence Awards winners

The Metro North Hospital and Health Service Staff Excellence Awards recognise staff excellence and achievement either individually, in teams, or through partnerships across all facilities, services and streams, and with community partners.

Thank you to all staff who participated in our annual awards. Over 170 nominations were received across nine categories:

  • Excellence in Clinical Training and Education
  • Excellence in Integrated Care
  • Excellence in Performance
  • Excellence in Training and Education
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Patients as Partners
  • People Focus
  • Values in Action


Excellence in Clinical Training and Education

Winner: Carmel Fleming, Mental Health

As the Education and Training Coordinator at the Eating Disorders Outreach Service, Carmel has led a phenomenal transformation in the competence and confidence of the clinician workforce to provide the assessment and treatment for people with eating disorders. She oversees the training of over 2000 clinicians a year throughout the state, has coordinated successful tours of visiting international experts, and sits on state-wide and national professional development bodies for eating disorders.

Highly Commended: MEC/PROMPT facilitators, Redcliffe Hospital

Excellence in Integrated Care

Winner: Caboolture Health Care Alliance

In the rapidly growing Moreton Bay region, Caboolture Hospital takes a leading role in community development. The Caboolture Health Care Alliance includes nine key community partners which enable the hospital to work with the local community to improve healthcare access and outcomes.  This is managed through a range of projects and a sustainable partnership framework for a truly integrated approach to clinical care, training and workforce.

Highly Commended: Way Forward Project, Caboolture Mental Health; Reducing the Barriers, Inner North Brisbane Mental Health Service, Mental Health

Excellence in Performance

Winner: Angela Matson, Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre, The Prince Charles Hospital

Angela is committed to providing exceptional nutrition care to the patients of the adult cystic fibrosis centre. She’s a passionate advocate for her patients and dedicated to ensuring the highest level of evidence based care for adults living with cystic fibrosis. Angela led the development of the inaugural Australasian Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in cystic fibrosis in her role as convenor of the Dieticians Association of Australia cystic fibrosis interest group.

Highly Commended: Queensland Lung Transplant Service, The Prince Charles Hospital; Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Planning Unit, Metro North

Excellence in Training and Education

Winner: Taking Time to Care, Redcliffe & Caboolture Education and Training Unit

The Taking Time to Care training series positively influences the way Metro North staff manage basic interpersonal interactions between patients and clinicians. This series of videos uses realistic scenarios which recognise the need to use training material that is short, engaging, and adaptable. They assist participants to understand how their communication style affects the perception of patients.

Highly Commended: Youth Engagement Strategies, Redcliffe & Caboolture Education and Training Unit


Winner: Patient Access Coordination Hub (PACH), Metro North

The Patient Access Coordination Hub is Australia’s first healthcare logistics centre. It provides a bird’s eye view of Metro North’s entire patient flow network including community, sub-acute, and acute services and is staffed by experienced nurses, a medical director, and technical support. The PACH team delivered this new service in eight weeks from concept to launch in time for the busy winter period, an excellent effort involving clinicians, IT and AV technicians, procurement and project governance.

Highly Commended: Hand Hygiene Initiative, Infection Management & Prevention Service, Redcliffe Hospital; GLOW online, Women’s and Newborn Services, Metro North


Winner: Peter Lazzarini, Allied Health Research Collaborative

Peter has lead the way we diagnose and treat foot conditions through collaborative podiatry studies with hospitals across Queensland. Peter has the ability to lead through a spirit of collaboration, trust and recognition.

Highly Commended: Claire Barrett, Metro North Rheumatology Services; Jim Crowhurst, Heart and Lung, The Prince Charles Hospital

Patients as Partners

Winner: Redesigning and Improving the Patient Experience, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Cancer Care Outpatient Clinic

This is for the redesign of Level 4 Cancer Care Services to improve access, patient outcomes and experience, and clinical standards at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital. This collaborative project included support from the ambulatory care team and continuous consumer engagement.

Highly Commended: The Power of Consumers Auditing Clinical Handover, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Safety and Quality Unit; Continuity of Care Program, Ngarrama Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Midwifery Group Practice.

People Focus

Winner: Support for socially disadvantaged, Metro North Oral Health Services

Metro North Oral Health Services are committed to providing oral health care for people who are homeless and socially disadvantaged. The team offers advice, resources, and access to priority appointments. To help achieve this, the team attend soccer games and breakfast meetings and assist the attendees to access care.

Highly Commended: Suzanne Michaels, Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals; Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital DEM 24/7 Social Work Service

Values in Action

Winner: Margaret Cousins, Cardiac Investigations Unit, The Prince Charles Hospital

As Nurse Manager of the busy Cardiac Investigations Unit, Margaret is a quiet achiever who goes above and beyond the expectations of her position to foster, lead and manage a highly motivated team that is patient focussed and service driven. Margaret embodies Metro North’s values in her approach to caring for patients and leading and supporting her colleagues.

Highly Commended: Margaret Jacks, Transplant coordinator, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital; Dr Adrian Kark, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

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2016-10-14T01:22:11+00:0014 October 2016|
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