2015 Board meeting summaries2017-12-04T04:46:34+00:00

2015 Board meeting summaries

Summary of the key points discussed and decisions made by the Board in 2015. The summaries of discussions and decisions made do not form or represent any part of the minutes of the meetings.

The Board meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports from the Reports from the Chief Executive and Executive team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Workplace Health and Safety Report and Communications and Engagement Report
  • The Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy and the Clinician Engagement Strategy
  • Updates were provided on the Brighton Health Campus and Metro North IT initiatives
  • Dr Amanda Dines, Executive Director, RBWH also discussed some of the key challenges and successes for RBWH.

The Board meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • The commercial assessment for Metro North’s proposal for a specialist rehabilitation and ambulatory care centre as part of the Queensland Government’s Herston quarter redevelopment
  • Metro North’s total asset management plan for 2015 which includes priority infrastructure projects which will form part of the State Health Asset and Infrastructure Plan
  • Reports from the Chief Executive and Executive team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Workplace Health and Safety Report and Communications and Engagement Report.

Mr Chris Seiboth, Executive Director Community, Indigenous and Subacute Services showed Board members the great work occurring at Brighton Health Campus. Board members attended a staff forum and toured the rehabilitation gym. The staff expertise, particularly in stroke rehabilitation, is first class. The current available equipment for both inpatients and outpatients is outstanding. Brighton is well positioned to become, not only a Queensland leader, but a national leader in stroke rehabilitation, especially when Australia’s first robot assisted therapy unit arrives later this year.

The Board meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report and Workplace Health and Safety Report.
  • Updates on Brighton Steering Committee and the development of the Herston Quarter were discussed.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications and a report on workplace health and safety education across Metro North.
  • Metro North Risk Framework, Metro North Compliance Framework, Strategic Plan Update and Caboolture Hospital Level 3 Ward refurbishment. The Board welcomed the opportunity to hear from the Director-General, Department of Health, Mr Michael Walsh on his vision and priorities for transforming healthcare.

Board members met with RBWH staff from the food and retail services team. The team provided a behind the scenes look at the work involved in preparing 960,000 patient meals each year. The Executive Director, Nursing and Midwifery Services RBWH and Metro North, Adj Assoc Prof Alanna Geary opened the RBWH staff forum. Board members, Metro North executives and staff discussed strategic issues for RBWH and Metro North.

The Board meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Update on the work of the Clinical Councils from Dr George Javorsky and Ms Gillian Nasato
  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report and Workplace Health and Safety Report.
  • Updates on aged care and the Herston Quarter were discussed.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications and a report on the Nursing and Midwifery Conference.
  • Quality of Care report, Metro North Annual Report 2014-15 and the Service Level Agreement 2015-16 with the Department of Health.

Board members met with staff and saw the excellent work of the Rehabilitation and Acute Stroke (RAS) Unit and the Rapid Access for Medical Surgical (RAMS) Unit. The Executive Director, The Prince Charles Hospital, Mr Anthony Williams opened the TPCH staff forum which provided an opportunity for board members, Metro North executives and staff to discuss key strategic issues for TPCH and Metro North.

The Board meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report and Workplace Health and Safety Report.
  • Update on the work of the Clinical Councils from Dr George Javorsky
  • Presentations from Anthony Williams on TPCH and Professor Darren Walters
  • Reports from the Risk and Audit Board Committee and Finance Board Committee were tabled.
  • Updates on Clinical Streams and Mental Health Services.
  • Aged Care arrangements and primary healthcare as well as progress of the Herston Quarter.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.

Prior to the meeting the Board members conducted a staff forum to meet with staff and allow an opportunity for open discussion and questions of the Board.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report and Workplace Health and Safety Report.
  • Release of the new Metro North Hospital and Health Service Strategic Plan 2015-2019.
  • A report from the Risk and Audit Board Sub-Committee was tabled.
  • Updates on the Clinician Engagement Strategy, the Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy, and the Health Service Strategy 2015-2020.
  • Aged Care arrangements and primary healthcare as well as progress of the Herston Quarter.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.

Prior to the meeting the Board members conducted a staff forum to meet with staff and allow an opportunity for open discussion and questions of the Board.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report and Workplace Health and Safety Report.
  • A report from the Risk and Audit Board Sub-Committees was tabled.
  • Clinical Council update from Redcliffe Hospital.
  • A paper on the draft Strategic Plan 2015-19 providing an update on progress.
  • A monthly update on Information Technology.
  • A paper on Aged Care arrangements providing an on update progress including consultation and engagement strategies.
  • A paper on the Central Patient Intake Services providing an overview of progress.
  • A business case for the Moreton Bay Integrated Care Centre (MBICC). The Board approved the document in-principle. Further consideration required by the Board Finance Committee.
  • A monthly update on the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Service.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.

Prior to the meeting the Board members conducted a staff forum to meet with staff and allow an opportunity for open discussion and questions of the Board.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Workplace Health and Safety Report and Legal Claims Report.
  • Reports from the Risk and Audit and the Quality and Safety Board Sub-Committees.
  • Clinical Council update from Metro North.
  • Clinical update from Nursing and Midwifery Services.
  • A paper on the Reward and Recognition Program providing a progress update. The Board approved funding the Staff Excellence Awards for September 2015 and the Researcher of the Year Awards for March 2016 by exception pending sponsorship.
  • A paper on revised delegations tabled for approval. The Board approved the revised delegations from the Board to the Chief Executive.
  • A verbal update on the progress of the Service Agreement 2015-16.
  • A paper on the Health Service Strategy 2015-20 providing an update on the implementation progress.
  • A paper on the Chairman’s Scholarship Program with a status update on the overseas travel request.
  • A monthly update on the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Service.
  • A paper on the inaugural Independent Internal Audit Function Review results.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.

Prior to the meeting the Board members conducted a staff forum to meet with staff and allow an opportunity for open discussion and questions of the Board.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Workplace Health and Safety Report and Legal Claims Report.
  • Reports from the Board Sub-Committees: Risk and Audit Committee and Safety and Quality Committee.
  • Clinical Council updates from Metro North and the RBWH.
  • Foundation update from The Prince Charles Hospital.
  • A paper on the Revised Strategic Plan Draft, the Board approved the Draft Metro North (2015-19) Strategic Plan Summary for submission to the Department of Premier and Cabinet with consultation to be progressed.
  • A paper on the Reward and Recognition Program with an overview of recommendations; the Board approved in-principle the Metro North Reward and Recognition Program.
  • A paper on IT Strategic Advisory Services with an overview and an update on the progress of review recommendations from November 2014.
  • A paper on Service Level Agreement with an update on current progress and scheduled negotiations.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.
  • A monthly update on the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Service.
  • A paper on Aged Care Services providing an overview of current arrangements and initiatives.

Prior to the meeting the Board members conducted a staff forum to meet with staff and allow an opportunity for open discussion and questions of the Board.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report and the Workplace Health and Safety Report.
  • Clinical Council update from Caboolture Hospital.
  • A paper on Strategic Planning Processes, the Board approved the Metro North Strategic Planning Process for 2015.
  • A paper on Internal Audit Future Resourcing Options providing an overview of recommendations, the Board approved: (option 3) – recruitment of one other in-house officer and cap other resource providers with a $620k budget.
  • A paper on Internal Audit Co-source Partner and Health Consultant Arrangements providing an update and recommendations, the Board approved a 12-month extension of the current Co-source arrangement.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.
  • A paper on Healthier Queensland Action Plan providing a strategy progress update, further analysis and comparison data are to be provided to the Board.
  • A paper on Asset and Space Utilisation Audit providing an update on findings.
  • A monthly update on the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Service.
  • A paper on Children’s Services providing an update on initiatives progress.
  • A paper on the Service Level Agreement with an update of progress.

Prior to the meeting the Board members conducted a staff forum to meet with staff and allow an opportunity for open discussion and questions of the Board.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Paul Alexander AO and a range of matters were considered at the meeting including:

  • Reports by the Chief Executive and Executive Team, including the Metro North Quality Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Strategic Plan Progress Report, the Workplace Health and Safety Report and Risk Report.
  • Reports from the Board Sub-Committees: Finance Committee; Risk and Audit Committee and Safety and Quality Committee.
  • Clinical Council updates from Metro North and The Prince Charles Hospital.
  • A paper on Primary Health Care Protocol achievements.
  • The Metro North Hospital and Health Service Quality of Care Report 2013-14 was approved by the Board.
  • A paper on Real Property Delegations provided an overview of land and building asset ownership, the Board requested further detailed analysis for consideration.
  • A monthly update on Metro North Communications.
  • A paper on Asset Update – Total Asset Management Program with an overview of current provisions, the Board requested further details for building and insurance arrangements.
  • A paper on Internal Audit Plan 2014-15 with a progress overview of the audit schedule, the Board approved the deferral of 2 audits from approved Internal Audit Plan for 2014-15 to 2015-16.
  • A paper on Use of Retained Surplus providing an overview on current initiatives and progress.
  • A paper on the Obstetrics and Gynaecology service providing an update on current arrangements, the Board requested regular reporting.
  • A paper providing a progress update on the Heart Lung Institute Business Case.
  • A paper with a progress update on the Outpatient Waitlist Reduction Strategy.
  • A paper providing an update and timeline for the preparation and finalisation of the Annual Report 2014-15.

Contact us

Metro North Board
Located: Level 14, Block 7
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Phone: (07) 3647 9702
Email:  MNBFeedback @health.qld.gov.au

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