Project Description

Michael Smith
60 seconds with Nurse Manager of Cancer Care Services, Michael Smith
Working with a team who have patients at the heart of everything they do has driven Michael Smith’s near 30-year nursing career. Dedicating 22 years to providing high quality care at Metro North, Michael now leads the Cancer Care Services nursing team at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
Describe yourself in three words?
Calm, respectful, honest
What was the last thing you learnt?
Never put a red shirt in the washing machine with white clothes. I’ve had this lesson a few times.
What is something that we might not know about you?
I have a pilot’s license
What would your job be, if not a nurse?
Professional camper
What does the Year of Nurse and Midwife mean to you?
It is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the advancement of nursing and midwifery over the past 200 years and celebrate the fantastic work our teams achieve each and every day.
What is the most memorable moment of your career?
There have been numerous memorable moments throughout my career and its very difficult to narrow that down to one. I am constantly amazed by the hard work, dedication and commitment our teams demonstrate on a day to day basis to improve the experience and outcome of our patients. Our teams go above and beyond the call of duty and for that, I am profoundly proud to be part of the RBWH community.